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Version 1 - The Origin!

Version 1

This is the version described in the book "A LittleSmalltalk" by Timothy A. Budd.

In this version most interesting stuff is done directly in the C source code.
When you compare the different versions of the system you'll see that in later versions
more and more functionality has been moved into the Smalltalk image and that
the C source code turned into a smaller and smaller virtual machine.

Due to a complete loss of my archives I was unable to provide this version for quite a long time.
Thanks to Charles Childers (CRC) I am able to bring it back to the public now.

On most modern operating systems you will probably have some problems when you
try to compile it. Some changes must be done.
If you have any patches for Windows, Linux or any other operating system, please let me now!
I would be glad to provide them here.

Download it!

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