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PDST - Public Domain SmallTalk

A highly inspiring and advanced derivation of the LittleSmalltalk system is PDST - Public Domain SmallTalk by Douglas E. Hemmond. It is based on LittleSmalltalk 3 and is in the public domain.

I downloaded a version (from 1999) on May, 06th 2007 from ftp://test.albemarle.cc.nc.us/pub/deh/pdst.

I found that link on versions/PublicDomainSmalltalk.html - but the other links there seem to be broken.

You can download the version I found here.

The PDST project seems to be dead and I could not get in contact with Douglas E. Hammond some years ago when I started with LittleSmalltalk. But PDST is still valuable and a great educational system.

Known derivations of PDST: Susie by Montgomery F. Tidwell.

If you know any other derivations or have further information about PDST or usages of it please let us know!